How to make 3D Geometric STEM Bubbles?
I wanted to show the boys what a 3D looks like as opposed to the 2D drawing that they always do, and this turned out to be amazing, and it is so easy to make.
But the best part of this was that we were able to apply what you all may know as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). With applied STEM, one can create fantastic bubble shapes, some that you may have never even thought of, and that also with ease. We involved STEM in building the 3D structures and then dipped into some bubble solution. And we were just amazed at the results. How else would you practically show the kids what 3D looks like?
This activity just blew our minds away. The kids ran around the house to show everybody how amazing these bubbles looked. Along with it, they got to learn the application of science with structural engineering with which we built 3-dimensional bubbles, and mathematics to create an inverted bubble cube that mimics a tensile structure.
So let’s get into creating these bubbles that we can’t stop talking about!
Material To Be Used
- Straws cut into small sections (watch our video below to see how we did that)
- Pipe cleaners
- Bubble solutions (you can make it at home or buy it from store)
- Cut four sections from each straw to make small sections
- Insert pipe cleaners in the straws to make a long thread
- Bend the straw thread with the inserted pipe cleaners into a rectangular shape and secure it at the end
- Create two more straw threads and do the same to meet the starting point to make a pyramid
- Twist all three ends together and secure
- Take a container of bubble solution and dip the straw pyramid in it and lift slowly
- You should see the bubble taking its form
- To make a bubble cube wand, make sure you have four sides in each of the straw threads and four separate straw threads to make a cube. Repeat the process with the bubbles and watch it take different shapes
Kids love bubbles, I mean, who doesn’t, and this geometric bubble STEM activity is a winner.
Video Link: