Tomato and mascarpone risotto
Tomato and mascarpone risotto Risottos are my favorite. Love how easy they are and yet so flavourful. It’s just a few things from the vast
Tomato and mascarpone risotto Risottos are my favorite. Love how easy they are and yet so flavourful. It’s just a few things from the vast
Chocolate almond butter on toast The boys now like the taste and we prefer it well over Nutella. Almond butter is high in monounsaturated fats
Paneer Ring Sandwich You could serve it for breakfast or put it in the kid’s tiffin. I love how kids love things when it’s smaller
Mini Spinach pancakes You could serve it for breakfast or put it in the kid’s tiffin. I love how kids love things when it’s smaller
Parmesan Baked potatoes You can eat potatoes, mangoes, and bananas every day and still lose weight. It’s a lot about the quantity you eat and
Mishti Doi If you live in Bengal you can’t eat Mishti Doi and love it. And because we eat it so much we make it
Raw banana And Barnyard Millet Tikkis Raw banana and barnyard millet tikis to help kids tackle the summer heat, control an upset tummy, and still
Oreo Icecream Sandwich Summers are here and kids love cold food or creams or junkies. So, as we are all cooped up in our homes
Mango Kulfi Kulfi is the Indian version of ice cream, but it’s even easier to make. With a few & simple ingredients, you have a
Frozen Peas We have something for you that might help you with a healthy stocking than grabbing many preservative cans. Why eat packet preservative peas
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