Why do leaves change color? Does this change indicate they don’t have chlorophyll anymore to carry out photosynthesis?
These questions become all the more important during autumn time as the color visibly grows dull.
Here’s our leaf chromatography that will help the kids understand the different colors that make a leaf!
What you need:
- Leaves of different colors
- Beakers
- Rubbing alcohol
- Tissue paper strips
- Fill the beakers with equal amount of rubbing alcohol
- Cut the leaves and place them in the beakers. Now blend this mixture
- Place tissue paper strips in each of the beakers and let them stay overnight
The next day, you will observe the colors of the leaves have made their way up the tissue paper!
Each leaf presents a curious case of blending of different colors!
The leaves change color because of changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature, the leaves stop their food-making process. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give the leaves a part of their fall splendor.