
Parenting in the times of COVID-19

I’ve been wanting to discuss this but wasn’t sure of what different could I say that is different than the social media messages about COVID-19.

COVID-19/ Corona Virus is our worst nightmare, and I fear it’s here to stay. No one knows for how long, but we all are hoping for it to go away like waking up from a bad dream into a new world of positivity and hope.

While we all are stuck at home, some with no domestic help or nannies, some with office work, or much more homework than we expected. Some with the elderly and some with infants and kids. I realize why and how it is so difficult for so many of us to manage home, work, kids, and family all at the same time. But what’s more difficult is to explain to the kids, why can’t they step out and how long this is going to last? Why can’t they cycle outside like they used to and run and play hide and seek in the sun?

Staying at home comes with so much mental, physical, and financial stress on us that even WHO has come up with a parenting guideline hoping it helps the parents worldwide.

COVID-19 has taken us back to our childhood days where we stayed more at home with our parents and when our parents were never worried that we might get bored; when we played games with them and helped them in household chores. Life was much simpler then, and the bond between a parent and a child was much more profound than what it is today; when the family came first, and parents and elders taught values and knowledge.

Assuming so many of you must be going crazy just like us, we thought to share with you what is keeping us sane at home.

Take the day as it comes. Don’t expect people at home to do things or plan your day and then get disappointed in not being able to do something. If you planned to read a book to your child and couldn’t do it, it’s ok to do it the next day. Relax and let the kids do that too.

Save up on a few activities for the times they are getting anxious to go out or getting cranky. Engage them in positive ways to keep bad behavior and mood swings.

It’s ok to watch television. Both you and the kids need some time off. Make sure you have an upper time limit to the screentime.

This is the time to bond with your child. Ask them what they want to do rather than telling them what you want them to do. Talk to them. Cook together, shower the little ones every day, play games together, laugh together, listen to music, sing a song.

COVID -19 has thrown us out of schedule. I am typing this at 2.20 am when usually I would be fast asleep. Try maintaining a schedule for your kids and also for yourself. At least stick to sleep and wake up times and eating times to keep you sane. Other things can happen as and when you find the time to do it.

Make hygiene a part of your life. Teach the kids about cleanliness, and touching everything, about sneezing and coughing into their elbows and about the importance of washing hands.

Try making a conscious effort in saving the environment and reducing all sorts of pollution so that you can still hear the birds chirp and see the  blue skies. It’s not in the hands of our government but in ours to live in a greener prettier world.

“All children misbehave. It is normal when children are tired, hungry, afraid, or learning independence. And they can drive us crazy when stuck at home.” – Unicef. But it depends on us how we react to them and set ourselves as role models. Walk out, leave the room, calm yourself down before you try to calm your child. You don’t need violence against them in these times. You need love, patience, empathy, and care.

Stay home, be safe and healthy.

About Me

Hi, I am Shraddha Fogla and I am a mother of two beautiful boys, one 5-year-old and the other 2. I would like to share some great tips on children’s activities to help boost their mental, sensory and motor skills.

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