Another way you can use those extra crayons. Making crayon candles is a fun and easy way to use up unwanted, damaged, or unusable crayons. Though you will need to mix in some candle wax to get a useful candle that will burn well. We live the bright vibrant colors the crayons gave to the candles.
What you all need:
- Unwanted Crayons
- Wax
- Tabbed Wick
- Paper Cups
- Shot Glass
1. Take different colors of crayons and wax. Melt them with a bit of wax in paper cups.

2. Place a tabbed wick in the middle of the glass and secure it with a drop of hot wax.

3. Pour melted wax and crayon into the shot glass. Let the candle harden before adding other layers.

4. Pour all the layers one by one into the glass. And you have a beautiful candle ready.