It is a proven fact that humans learn more practically than by reading through books. We taught boys about the ocean and how beautiful it is, and along the way, we did this density experiment making Layers of Ocean. We learned about the layers of the ocean and how light does not reach the layers below because it’s so deep. The visibility depends on the amount of light that enters the ocean.
Liquids do not mix when they are of varied density, and that’s how we taught the kids.
We have used:
▪ Corn syrup (You can also use honey or maple syrup)
▪ Dish soap
▪ Water
▪ Oil, and
▪ Rubbing alcohol
▪ Glass Jars
▪ Black food color
▪ Bottle
1. Pour Corn syrup, Dish soap, Water, Oil, and Rubbing alcohol into different Glass jars and add some black food color drops to all the jars and mix them well.

2. Now with the help of a funnel, pour the mixtures into a bottle one after another in the same order as we kept the jars starting from corn syrup.

3. Cover the bottle with its lid and name the layers of the ocean.

You can keep it on your balcony while teaching your kids about it as it shines brighter in sunlight. Keep learning, keep growing.