Kids spending time outdoors in winters is something even adults enjoy watching. The vitamin D, the warmth, the cosiness they receive with the sunlight is what kids cherish in winters. With the ideology of winters, kids and nature, this time we came up with a thought of utilising winters in the most effective manner and make the nature walks more fun and educative with Nature Suncatchers.

What You Need:
- 2 Contact Papers
- A Pair of Scissors
- Flowers and leaves of different or same kind
Step 1
Cut your contact paper into circles or whichever shape you prefer to cut.

Step 2
Stick the flowers and leaves on the contact paper.

Step 3
Cover them with another sheet of the same size on top.

Viola! Your own Nature Suncatcher is ready. Now you and your kids have their own Nature Suncatcher in like no time. Hang the Nature Suncatchers on your windows and witness the direct sunlight falling on your beautiful suncatcher making them shine even brighter.