
Pierce a potato with a straw

What if I told you that you  could pierce a giant potato with a mere straw? Sounds odd, doesn’t it?

Here’s some science that explains how and in what way can this apparently  impossible task can be accomplished:

What you need: 

  • – A potato
  • – Straw 


  • – Take a straw, making sure it’s not too bendable. 
  • – Try to normally stab the potato with the straw. You will probably not be able to make it past through the skin of the potato.
  • – Cover the other end of the straw with your finger, and then attempt to stab the potato. 

When you cover the far end of the straw you are able to pierce through the potato. Lets ponder on what happens:

The scientific fact that makes such a phenomenon possible is concerned with the air inside the straw. When the far end is covered, the air molecules in the straw compress and give the straw a lot of strength. This keeps the straw from bending and you can easily pass through the flesh of the potato!

This classic experiment will have the awe-struck

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Hi, I am Shraddha Fogla and I am a mother of two beautiful boys, one 5-year-old and the other 2. I would like to share some great tips on children’s activities to help boost their mental, sensory and motor skills.

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