This time, we thought of doing some science experiment which is super easy and super fun for the kids and the kids would get to learn something with an element of excitement as well. The experiment includes the working of water beads and how the bubbles just start floating by adding an element to it.

What You Need:
- A Jar
- Water Beads
- Water
- Alka Seltzer or Eno
Step 1
Take a jar and add water beads in it.

Step 2
Fill the jar with ¾ water in it.

What do you see?
The water beads start to settle at the bottom of the jar.
Step 3
Now add alka seltzer or eno in the jar.

What do you see now?

You will observe that the water beads are now floating in the jar and are not settled at the bottom of it.
Pretty interesting to see? Isn’t it?
The science behind the experiment is that carbon dioxide bubbles are formed when alka seltzer or eno dissolves in water and they make bubbles which further makes the water beads float up.
A simple experiment for your kid, making them learn a few science facts while all they have to do is have fun.